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Game Dev Weather Report - 04/05/2012

To finish the catchup here's the status of everything I'm working on right now. Seven! :O


One More Cup of Coffee - I finished a version of this unusual music game back in December. A tricky experiment, players were generally very lost. The core game concepts were so unusual and they weren't communicated very well, but I've had ideas of where to take it next. I started working on it again a couple weeks ago but it felt wrong scrapping all the content and particularly the ending I had written.

Shortly afterward the new ideas morphed into a new game, what is currently called Isis. Only a few days ago I got the IGF feedback on this experiment, and it was really constructive and interesting, inspiring me even with Isis to get a chance to go back and polish this sometime soon for public consumption. There's bits I still really like.

Isis - This is my newest project, no pictures yet! Hopefully will take the audio experiments of One More slightly further but also more understandable. Really excited to work on it and at the moment it could go lots of different ways but alas I don't have much time to experiment and finish before deadlines!

bbbbb - Hopefully this will be released on XBLIG very soon. Will post the music track and trailer shortly along with a windows version. I would love to do a new track for this which has a much tighter connection between game and music.

Space Whale - Our second semester student prototype is getting very close to completion! Here's a screenshot I just took:


Beat Box - Completely on the backburner (although certainly not as much as Even Bytes!). I have had a playable game finished with over 20 levels since October but I'm not entirely happy with it. Some elements just don't work and I have completely cooled on the theme and aesthetic. I have a very strong idea where to take the gameplay now to possibly make it work better but I don't have time to work on it at the moment. Hopefully I will get a chance in the Summer and if this idea works will probably hammer it out and release, otherwise will be canned I'm afraid!

AAAHYOURFACEISONFIRE!! - So this was a very very quick prototype I made last month. I have ideas for a more polished and interesting version of this. A fantastic artist has started doing some concept stuff, so I look forward to finishing it when we both have the time in the next couple months.

Glimpse - Almost forgot this one! This is an experimental DirectX game I'm working on and must be finished by next week. The game is pretty much all there, but a cool stencil buffer technique I'm working on just doesn't work. Damn you C++! Would love to redo it in XNA sometime and polish it as I really like the core thematic idea.

That's most things! I wish I could just concentrate on one thing at the time, and also without University essays, but with the way our courses worked this semester it just wasn't possible unfortunately. Hopefully through the Summer I will have a lot more time to make cool things. There's also a few other games I'd like to get around to but if I get half of these finished in the next couple months I'll be very happy indeed.

Well done for getting to end! :P Please send me an email if any of these sound interesing, or if you have any thoughts at all.

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