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Offices, Pirates, Whales and Space Whales!

6 Hour Pirate Kart Game: AAHYOURFACEISONFIRE!!

The next catchup post begins at the end of February with the GDC Pirate Kart Weekend. Developers all over the world tried to make as many games as possible to show at GDC. I feel pretty strong about the Pirate Kart ethos that anyone can and should make games, rather than the tiny subset of the world who do at the moment. Ian Bogost's Gameomatic is interesting and I eagerly anticipate Anna Anthropy's book 'Rise of the Videogame Zinesters'  (just released in the UK woo). There was also a Kickstarter to help the latest Pirate Kart get floorspace at GDC and I was lucky to have a game based upon an idea of mine created by Alan Chatham. A game about whaling, hardship and existence. FUNTIMES! http://openchord.org/Whaling/

I had another go at flash and in about 6 hours finished a game for the Kart, my first in flash: AAHYOURFACEISONFIRE!! A fairly basic platforming game: you play as an office worker who arrives to work on monday only to discover that the office is on lava again. Oh no! Climb higher and higher through the procedural platforms to escape the encroaching red stuff. Also, made the awful drone music for this v. fast! It's all mega rough, but definitely a fun experience to make! In roughly the same amount of time Terry Cavanagh was able to create the fantastic Hexagon (just for comparison!). Myself and another student are slowly working on an updated version of AAH with awesome art, a song, and a few surprises, hopefully that will be done in the next couple months.

Speaking of Whales, Space Whale! I'll leave a brief teaser and a screenshot of what has been taking up most of my time for the last two months.

This is my semester two Abertay MProf project with 9 other crazy talented people. This surreal game stars a magnificent space mammal who swings through space by using the gravity of planets. You grow as you eat space dust and debris and you become ever more deadly as you grow. Will you remain a peaceful celestial herbiove or become a tyrannical star destroyer? The development is now drawing to a close before the term deadlines and as always you wish you had more time to polish but I'll be happy to have it finished! :P

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