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Space Whale: Whale from Outer Space!

Space Whale: Whale from Outer Space! - July Teaser from Mac on Vimeo.

A psychedelic explosion of colour, fish and meta-galactic mammals.

Swing through space using the gravity of planets, growing bigger as you eat, until you can devour entire galaxies. Orbiting different planets causes different instruments to blend into the music and chomping planetoids plays musical notes into the cosmic cacophony.

Space Whale was created as part of our Professional Masters in Games Development at Abertay University. It was designed and developed using UDK throughout our second semester alongside other modules, between February and May 2012.

Art: Chris Dodds, Luna Li, Sophia Pretoria George
Code: John Cooper, Tin Katavic, Shwetha Rao, Ramkumar Thiagarajan, Paul Andrew McGee
Design: Paul Andrew McGee
Production: Robin Berry

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